只是一个5聊的tag... 不过看在tag我的人是一个很疼我的人。。。(有咩??=.=) 我就回答咯。。。 顺便让大家更认识我...
1. At what age you wish to marry? ~25
2. Will you consider sexual relationships before marriage? ~yes....才怪啦。。。
3. Do you smoke? ~最讨厌的东西我是不会动的。。不过我现在已经开始接受抽烟的朋友了。。。(只要不要故意抽一口然后‘呼’一声喷到我。。。要不然我可能马上扫你一巴掌)
4. List out two gifts you'd like to receive now ~一个爱我和我爱的男人,幸福+金钱
5. Who did you text most lately? ~他的女朋友??=_______=
6. How old are you? ~这个问题不应该出现。。。我18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18。。。不要再问了!!
7. What is the latest thing you bought with your own money? ~我目前最爱的ROMP衣服
8. State 3 people of the opposite sex that first comes to your mind. Who will you most likely date? ~真的要说吗?真的吗? i.ong kar yong ii.他朋友...(alson) iii.翅膀2 *还用问?
9. Who do you wish to get married ? ~。。。。。。
10. Getting marry is going to heaven or grave? ~B4 u fight, is heaven, after u start to fight and fight... it become grave=_____=
11. How many kids do you want? ~看咯。。。生了一个如果很痛就不要生了。。。哈哈。。。
12. Are you in love? ~I stucked in a deep deep trap
13. Where is the latest restaurant you have dinner? ~My college restaurant~hohoho... let senior serve me~~^^
14. Name the latest book you bought? ~n年前的事情我怎么可能记得?去年买的星座书吧?
15. Do you believe in God? ~我更相信童话故事
16. Name your favourite game or sport. ~我觉得打篮球的男生最帅了~~
17. Name the first person that comes into your mind now ~看刚才第8题=.=
18. The most exciting place you want to go? ~太多了啦。。。
19. Hugs or Kisses? ~被爱你和你爱的人抱最幸福。。。
20. Single or attached? ~Stuck in between....
21. (BONUS) Point out 5 things about the person who tag you.(colourblind artist) -colourblind -his smile is charming(不要太爽) -he cares me(and thank you so much for being caring to me^^) -super duper geng in drawing/art -last but not least, he is CUTE!!!!!!!!!!
hehe my cutie n pretty angel...thx 4 praising me la..hahaz...erm...happy always